Our beautiful Town

Our beautiful Town

Friday, 3 December 2010

Tuesday 30th November - Meeting with the Public Realm Task Group - Civic Centre

Members of the Public Realm Task Group met with DCC Highways Officers for a progress update on proposed projects: Park & Ride for 2011, Wilder Road resurfacing to possible incorporate public realm improvements to the seafront, Variable Messaging Signage to direct traffic to the most appropriate car park, Fore Street/Broad Street enhancements and the results of DCC's traffic management report for the High Street.

Uploaded by Andrea Beacham

Tuesday 23rd November - Election Preparations

The Finance & Office manager attended a meeting of representatives from parish/town councils for updates on preparations for the 2011 local elections.

Thursday 5th May 2011 is the date called for local authority elections to include District Council and Parish & Town Councils and this will also be the date when the country will be able to vote on the planned referendum on changing the UK's voting system.

Anyone interested in becoming a town councillor can follow the links via our home page.

Uploaded by Pauline Williams

Monday 22nd November - Ilfracombe Strategy Group Meeting - The Ilfracombe Centre

Having publicised its 10 year Strategic Plan, the Town Council's Strategy Group met with NDC's Policy Manager to ensure the strategy fits with NDC's own corporate plan and that reference to it will be made when forming any policy relating to Ilfracombe.

The group also began the task of creating an Action Plan from the overall Strategic Plan with actions that can be clearly identified and milestones to measure success.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Saturday 20th November - Ilfracombe Skate Park Opening

The new Ilfracombe skate board park known as Benricks was officially opened last Saturday morning (20th November) by North Devon Council Leader Des Brailey. In attendance was the Mayor of Ilfracombe, Bob Thompson along with many Town Councillors. The park was packed with enthusiastic skaters and having spoken to some of them it certainly looks as though the park will be very well used. Benricks was funded by Devon County Council, North Devon Council and Ilfracombe Town Council and designed with lots of input from the local Concrete Surfers Association. Who said nothing ever happens in Ilfracombe and the Council doesn't care about our young people?

Uploaded by Cllr Philip Webb