Our beautiful Town

Our beautiful Town

Friday, 19 November 2010

Wednesday 18th November 10am The Landmark

Meeting with LDA Design who have been appointed by the Joint Delivery Team to design and deliver improvements to the Seafront area. LDA Design had some sketch proposals having looked at previous designs from other consultations including that for the CABE bid but wanted to talk to people who had a particular interest in the future of the seafront.

Your Town Council representatives at that meeting were Councillors Bob Thompson, Lynda Courtnadge, Philip Webb, Paul Crabb and Ron Ley and Proper Officer Andrea Beacham. Also represented were seafront traders, Ilfracombe Museum, Transform and North Devon Council officers and members. LDA Design, although a Devon-based company, are working on some large-scale national projects and are delighted to be working more locally in Ilfracombe. Their designs following the initial consultation will be brought back in two weeks time. Timescales are tight as North Devon Council has around £1.5 million in its capital budget set aside for Ilfracombe's seafront regeneration but this is only fully secure until May 2011. It is hoped that a start on site will be possible before this so results will be seen fast.

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